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32 pp.
| Walker
| October, 2011
TradeISBN 978-0-8027-2282-9$17.99
In this capable retelling of a Native American creation myth, there is only Sky World (where people are) and Water World (where animals are) until Sky Girl falls through a hole in the sky, forcing the water animals to find a way for her to live. Unfussy mixed-media illustrations consisting of flat geometric shapes recall cut-paper collage. Websites. Bib.
32 pp.
| January, 2004
LibraryISBN 1-57765-935-X$22.78
Checkerboard: Native Americans series.
Each of the slim volumes in this series gives readers a cursory overview of the history and customs of one Native American tribe. The books conclude with information about the tribe today and are illustrated with stiff but informative paintings. These are useful starting points for reports. There are five other spring 2004 books in this series. Glos., ind. Review covers these Checkerboard: Native Americans titles: Chumash, Gabrielino, Huron, Ute, and Yokut.
128 pp.
| Benchmark
| September, 2000
LibraryISBN 0-7614-0940-8$$32.79
Lifeways series.
Each title offers a thorough historical overview of a Native American tribe and discusses its people's modern-day struggles. Featuring reproductions of contemporary and historical photographs and artwork that reflects the individual tribes' unique traditions, these editions are both history lessons and art books. Each title includes a recipe, time line, brief language lesson, and annotated list of notable people of the profiled nation. Bib., glos., ind.